Agriculture in the Classroom

A multifaceted program brings the world of agriculture to young minds. It helps students of all grades to see the world where their food is grown. And how farmers and ranchers touch their lives. Daily.

Teachers, click here to sign up for our quarterly newsletter to get Ag in the Classroom materials, professional development information and more delivered straight to your inbox.

Curriculum Matrix

The Agriculture in the Classroom Curriculum Matrix gives teachers access to over 450 lessons that incorporate agricultural concepts across all subjects and grade levels. Currently, over 300 Matrix lessons are aligned to TEKS. View the following documents to see which lessons are aligned to TEKS. TEKS alignment can also be viewed at the bottom of each aligned lesson in the Matrix.

K-2 TEKS Alignment 
3-5 TEKS Alignment 
6-8 TEKS Alignment 
9-12 TEKS Alignment 

Click here to access the curriculum matrix today.

Texas Farm Bureau Curriculum Matrix

Free Digital Resources

Download free resources you can use in your classroom or at home to bring agriculture to life. Learning is fun with these resources!

Looking for ready-to-use, TEKS-aligned lessons and resources for any classroom? The Monthly M-AG-nificence resource focuses content on national celebration days (ex. National Milk Day) to engage K-5 students in learning about how agriculture connects to the world around them.

Download the calendar.

Contact Educational Outreach at 254.751.2258 with questions regarding the resources.
Digital Resources

Spanish Learning Resources

Free Resources for Ag Education Courses

Help high school students dive into production agriculture with assistance from Texas farmers and ranchers. These videos and lesson plans will bring the farm to the classroom and grow a deeper understanding of Texas agriculture.

Free downloadable activities, videos and lesson plans are available for use in the classroom.

In the section below, a video and lesson plan are available for high school agricultural science courses.

Plant Pests
Facilitate discussions related to plant pests and how they impact Texas farms and ranches.
Video | Supplemental Video: Crop Dusters | Lesson Plan

Virtual Sprigging Grass Lesson
Learn about the process of planting improved grasses—the why and how.
Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Lesson Plan

Math in Agriculture
Teachers can reinforce basic math operations, while showing students examples of how math is used in agriculture.
You are the Farmer | Bushels or Bust—Variables and Profit

Students will learn the full cycle of cotton from the planting to the gin.
Lesson PlanPresentation

Ag Advocacy  
Students will dive into science communication and the importance of communicating with decision makers as they seek to be agricultural advocates.
Lesson PlanPresentation

Contact Educational Outreach at 254.751.2258 with questions regarding the resources.

Farm From School

Farm From School with Texas Farm Bureau in Spring 2025! This program offers a virtual opportunity for K-5 classrooms to engage with a farmer or rancher to learn about how agriculture connects to grade-level concepts.

This program is open to Texas public, private, and homeschool educators.

Classes will meet with a different farmer or rancher during February-May. Topics for the Spring 2025 semester are:

  • February – Composting
  • March – Pickles
  • April – Crawfish
  • May – Ice Cream

Program details are available in this guidelines document.

Registration is closed.

In an effort to keep the program as streamlined as possible and so we know where our link(s) are going, please have all participating teachers sign up individually. 

Email Educational Outreach with questions or call 254.751.2258.

Ag Literacy Week Book Program

We’re inviting K-5 teachers across the state to join us in increasing agricultural literacy in the classroom March 17-21 by reading an educational, accurate ag book: Potatoes for Pirate Pearl.

The program is free and open to Texas public, private, and homeschool educators. K-5 teachers who sign up will receive a free copy of the book and an educator’s guide.

Registration is closed.

Get the program dates and details.

For more information, contact Ed Outreach at or call 254-751-2569.

Lesson Plans

A roadmap of Texas agriculture. That details the crops. The livestock. And the people who grow them. That’s what you find in Texas Farm Bureau’s lesson plans for Ag in the Classroom.

Click here to get your copy of curriculum today.

Contact Educational Outreach at 254.751.2258 with questions regarding the lesson plans.

Free Virtual Resources

Connect with agriculture. Meet farmers and ranchers. And learn all about Texas agriculture!

TFB has free resources and activities available for both parents and teachers to incorporate agricultural information into educational lessons. Use the virtual resources linked below at home or in the classroom.

In the section below, a video and guided activity are available to learn more about our food and Texas agriculture.

Listen. Learn. Cook.
Watch author, Tom Darbyshire, read his book Who Grew My Soup. After watching, think about what the book taught and complete the fun cooking activity.
*Note: This activity could be adapted for in-classroom use simply by creating a “pantry” where students select items to make a recipe chosen by the teacher. Students could be divided into discussion groups or the teacher could conduct the activity where students write their answers to discussion questions on individual whiteboards.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Cotton Lesson
Learn about the invention of the cotton gin, cotton uses, and so much more!
Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3 | Video 4 | Video 5 | Video 6
Guided Activity

Virtual Forestry Lesson
Take a tour through a forest and a sawmill to learn how lumber is produced to build homes and schools! Use the guided activity to connect information in the video to learning.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Poultry Lesson
Watch the video to learn about broilers. The guided activity expands learning and tests what was learned.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Horse Lesson
Learn fun facts about horses and quiz the group with the guided activity.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Dairy Lesson
Name the Breed. Ice Cream. And More. Watch the video to learn all about dairy cows! The guided activity even encourages students to learn while they mix their own feed.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Swine Lesson
Take a tour through a pig farm. The guided activity even challenges students to identify their own pig.
Video | Guided Activity

Virtual Goat Lesson
Goats are kids, too! But will they really eat anything? Watch the video and complete the guided activity to learn key facts.
Video | Guided Activity

Farm Tour & Science Lesson 
Take a trip to a Guadalupe County farm to learn about planting and science.
Video | Guided Activity

Social Studies on the Ranch
Did you ever wonder how social studies relates to Texas ranches? Watch the short video series and complete the guided activity to find out.
Guided Activity

Wildlife and Their Environments
What helps them survive? The video and corresponding lesson plan will help students make the connection.
Video | Guided Activity

Inventors and Inventions
Explore with your students as they learn about inventors and inventions and even become an inventor for a day.
Video | Lesson

Contact Educational Outreach at 254.751.2258 with questions regarding the resources.

Ag on the Go

Ag on the Go brings agriculture to you—in the classroom, at community events, or after school programs.

The interactive lessons are TEKS-aligned and help K-12 students connect agriculture to the world around them.

Ag on the Go offers lessons and activities on:

  • Careers
  • Cotton
  • Corn
  • Forestry
  • Livestock
  • Sustainability

Interested in the Ag on the Go trailers coming to your school or community activity? Sign up here!

For teachers who have a scheduled visit to cover the cotton or forestry topics, below are the pre-visit videos to share with your class/group.

For more information, contact or call 254-751-2273.

Summer Ag Institute

Get your hands dirty and gain real-life experiences and ideas about agriculture that can enrich classroom grades K-12—all through the Summer Ag Institute, a four-day professional development seminar.

You’ll receive CPE hours and bring home exciting resources about agriculture for your students and colleagues, as well as a better understanding of where your food and fiber come from and the people who grow it.

Sponsorships are available through the local county Farm Bureau office. Teachers will be notified of sponsorship status after registration.

Information on the summer professional development opportunities will be available in spring 2025. 

Contact Educational Outreach staff at or 254.751.2258 with questions.

Homeschool Summer Ag Academy

TFB will host a Summer Ag Academy (SAA) for homeschool educators in Texas. This two-day academy will offer site visits, hands-on learning, and presentations by agricultural and educational experts.

Information on the summer professional development opportunities will be available in spring 2025. 

Contact Educational Outreach staff at or 254.751.2258 with questions.

Learning from the Ground Up Garden Grant

Food production: here, there and everywhere! From the school garden to the farm, let Texas Farm Bureau help your students make the connection to agriculture through our Learning From the Ground Up Garden Grant program.

We encourage teachers to think outside the box and adapt programs to fit your current classroom environment, which could include container gardens and so much more. Food production and learning truly happens here, there and everywhere!

Applications for 2025 will open in the summer. 

For agriculture science teachers applying for the grant, the project must incorporate elementary, junior high, or other non-ag high school students into the project in some capacity as to increase agricultural literacy outside of general agricultural courses. The applications submitted MUST clearly identify the plan to how the project will incorporate elementary, junior high, or other non-ag high school students.

For more information, email or call 254.751.2569.

Homeschool Garden Grant

Texas Farm Bureau will again offer the Homeschool Garden Grant opportunity for homeschool educators. The TFB Homeschool Garden Grant helps students to make the connection to agriculture through learning what it takes to care for a garden project and relate the project to concepts learned within the curriculum.

Homeschool educators are encouraged to think outside the box and adapt programs to fit their current environment. We encourage you to think about how the garden can impact more than those who take care of it daily.

Applications for 2025 will open in the summer. 

For questions, email or call 254.751.2258.

Ag in the Classroom Outstanding Teacher Nomination

Texas Farm Bureau awards one teacher annually with the Agriculture in the Classroom Outstanding Teacher Award.

This award is presented to the teacher for their innovative, multi-disciplined and continued efforts to teach students about the importance of agriculture.

A county Farm Bureau must nominate the teacher. Interested teachers who qualify can contact Educational Outreach staff or their county Farm Bureau to learn more about being nominated.

Eligibility requirements include:

  • Full-time, certified and active PK-12 teacher teaching in a public school or PK-12 teacher teaching in an accredited non-public elementary and secondary educational institution.
  • Any content area is acceptable, with the exception of vocational agriculture
  • Previous winners of the award are not eligible. Teachers who have previously applied but weren’t selected may apply again.

*High school and middle school agricultural science teachers are not eligible.

Applications are closed. The winner will be announced at the TFB Annual Meeting Dec. 6-8. 

Early Ag Teacher Professional Development

Join Texas Farm Bureau for a two-day professional development opportunity that immerses teachers in hands-on classroom/laboratory instruction focused on areas addressed in an agricultural science classroom (i.e., instruction, SAEs, and FFA).

The workshop incorporates presentations by agricultural experts who specialize in education. It also includes site visits to area AgriLife Extension facilities, farms, and agricultural businesses for a truly hands-on experience. You’re sure to walk away with new information and ideas on how to enhance the learning experience in your classroom!

Eligible teachers include those who have been teaching agricultural science for five years or less.

View the program guidelines and details.

Registration is closed. 

National Ag in the Classroom Conference Scholarship

Interested in attending the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference to learn from innovative and engaging presenters about how to incorporate agriculture into your classroom?

TFB is awarding five scholarships to Texas teachers to attend the 2025 conference in Minneapolis, Minn. on June 23-26, 2025.

The 2025 NAITCO Scholarship recipients are:

  • Meredith Collier – Bee County
  • Savannah Hudson – Tyler County
  • Crystal Osborn – Lubbock County
  • Alison Davis – Bosque County
  • Lisa Reaves – Cooke County

For more information, contact Ed Outreach at or call 254-751-2569.


Several grants are available for teachers to help increase agricultural literacy and awareness in schools and communities.

NAITCO (CHS Foundation Grants and Scholarships)
Learn more

AFBF Foundation for Agriculture White-Reinhardt Grant
Learn more

AFBF Foundation for Agriculture White-Reinhardt Scholarship
Learn more

AFBF Foundation for Agriculture Christina Sue Lilja Resource Grants
Learn more

Grant resources available to Texas teachers

Additional Resources

Order TFB Classroom Resources: TFB has resources and materials available for purchase. Items include classroom sets, hardback books, bookmarks, coloring books and more.

National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization: A network of resources for educators seeking to improve agricultural literacy and engage students in kindergarten through seniors in high school.

Agriculture in the Classroom Vimeo Video Channel: More than 70 videos are available for classroom use, including harvest footage, crop-specific videos and “Meet a Farmer” videos.

Grow with Google: Over the course of the 8-month program, fellows are developing place-based curriculum that incorporates agriculture, technology and key digital skills into a Applied Digital Skills lessons.

National Ranching Heritage Center Hank the Cowdog Ranch Life Series: Visit the link to learn more about the books and the accompanying lessons and activities that are available.

American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture True Beef: Pasture To Plate Educator Guide:  The documentary True Beef follows high school students from Central Texas as they travel across the state to learn about every step in the beef process from pasture to plate. Complete lesson plans are included and TEKS aligned. True Beef is available from AFBFA on DVD or online at

Journey 2050: takes students on a virtual farm simulation that explores world food sustainability. Using an inquiry-based approach, the program encourages students to make decisions and adjust them as they see their impact on society, the environment and the economy at a local and global scale. Complete teacher guide with lesson plans included—completely free.