Texas Farm Bureau legislative grassroots advocacy

Texas Farm Bureau is legislative grassroots advocacy at its best. Respected by lawmakers. Formidable in its tenacity. Committed leaders steer state and national legislation in the direction determined by policy. Just like they’ve done for more than 80 years.

Robust planning ensures agriculture’s voice is heard on state and national priority issues. Learn More

Powerful tools like Action Alerts and VoterVoice amplify agriculture’s voice and make it easy to connect with lawmakers.
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Allows easy access to information on potential laws that can make or break agriculture. Learn More
Our powerful political action arm. Learn More

Texas Farm Bureau Legislative staff lay the groundwork to ensure your voice is heard. Working the backrooms, committees and on the floor. Constantly building and maintaining relationships with lawmakers and key staff. Assuring that Texas Farm Bureau—and agriculture—always has a place at the table.

Our advocacy extends beyond the halls of Austin and Washington. It’s farmers and ranchers engaging. Connecting with consumers on their concerns. Growing relationships to strengthen the trust and importance of Texas agriculture.

Advocacy in Texas Farm Bureau. It wears many hats with a common goal. Securing a bright future for providers of food and fiber—and the Lone Star State—for generations to come.