A 70-year-old water treaty between Mexico and the U.S has been modified over the year. In November, Mexico released its water-priority list of who it allocates 100 percent of its water to various users along its river basins, but the list excludes the United States.

Water shared from Mexico impacts farmers, water utilities and residents of the Rio Grande Valley (RGV).

Officials met in Brownsville to discuss the treaty, which stipulates the U.S. must release water from the Colorado River to flow to Mexico and Mexico must release water upstream to flow into the Rio Grande and to the Valley. Officials said they have plans to ensure Mexico meets these requirements, according to the Valley Morning Star.

Treaty interpretations have halted water-sharing from Mexico. Those key issues include how many acre-feet of water are to be released, along with the stipulation of not releasing water in the case of “extraordinary drought” conditions.