Jennifer Dorsett
Field Editor

Continuing to advocate for beneficial free trade agreements and ensuring 2018 Farm Bill policies are implemented top the list of Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) national legislative priorities for 2020.

“We scored a big win for Texas and American farmers with the legalization of growing industrial hemp in the 2018 Farm Bill,” Regan Beck, TFB director of Government Affairs, said. “Now we turn our focus to making sure hemp regulations and other farm bill policies are put into place and executed properly.”

Other issues important to farming, ranching and rural life are on the organization’s agenda for the upcoming 116th Congressional Second Session.

The TFB board of directors names priority issues for the legislative session after organizational policy is set by county delegates from across the state during the winter annual meeting.

Priority issues identified include taxes, ag labor, property rights, truth in labeling, invasive pest control, agricultural transportation, regulatory reform, rural broadband access and health care accessibility and affordability.

“We continually hear from our members as we visit with them throughout the year,” Beck said. “Issues important at the county level make their way through our policy development process and get voted on by delegates during the annual meeting. Then our board decides the top priorities for legislative action based on member feedback and organizational policy. It’s an organic, grassroots process that we feel works very well in communicating our members’ needs to their legislative representatives.”

A National Affairs Awards Trip is held every spring to give members a chance to share those concerns and needs with lawmakers face-to-face.

“It’s important for legislators to hear directly from their constituents,” Beck said. “We take that trip to Washington, D.C., every year, because there’s nothing more powerful than hearing it straight from the source when a federal regulation or law is affecting someone’s livelihood or financial well-being.”

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