Setting goals on state and national agriculture issues. Issues important to agriculture and rural Texas. They are vast, complicated and misunderstood. That’s why the Texas Farm Bureau board—with direction from county Farm Bureau leaders throughout the policy development process—annually sets a roadmap for leaders and staff to follow. So those issues most important to agriculture and rural Texas get the attention they deserve.

State Priorities: 89th Texas Legislature
Ensure state tax policy does not adversely impact or burden agricultural producers or the agricultural industry. Protect the current state tax provisions that limit the burden on producing food, fiber and other agricultural products for consumers.
Protect the rights of landowners and agricultural producers to surface water and groundwater. Oppose legislation that attempts to take any constitutionally protected rights to water. Support adequate funding for water projects, including a dedicated source of funding.
Right to Farm & Ranch
Support the protection of generally accepted agricultural practices under current law and support any changes in statute or the Texas Constitution to strengthen those protections.
Property Rights
Protect the ownership and use of private property from regulatory overreach, unconstitutional takings, or unreasonable effects of eminent domain. Support programs or policies to maintain agricultural use of land in a manner consistent with private property rights.
Ensure vehicle, trailer and driver license regulations do not adversely impact or burden agricultural producers or the agricultural industry. Oppose any efforts at the state level in support of a high-speed rail project.
Animal Care
Protect the ability of agricultural producers to utilize generally accepted, scientifically proven production practices for livestock, poultry and other animals present on agricultural operations.
Hostile Foreign Ownership of Agricultural Land
Support changes in statute that would prevent the foreign ownership of agricultural land that results in an unfair trade advantage or endangers U.S. national security.
Sunset Legislation
Ensure that sunset legislation of state agencies related to agriculture or TFB priority issues benefits our members.

National Priorities: 119th Congress, First Session
Farm Bill
Enact a farm bill with additional investments in the safety net.
Ensure expiring Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) agricultural provisions are extended or made permanent.
Disaster/Economic Assistance
Deliver disaster and economic assistance in a timely, equitable, and efficient manner.
Secure the border while ensuring the agricultural workforce is protected and reforms are made to the current H-2A program.
Strengthen and enforce existing trade agreements and enact new trade deals that benefit agriculture.
1944 Water Treaty
Work toward solutions to force Mexico to abide by the 1944 Water Treaty and ensure annual delivery of water to the U.S.
Rural Connectivity
Expand broadband and cellular access to provide more opportunity in rural areas.
Livestock/Crop Protection
Maintain funding for control and eradication of invasive species and prevent introduction of foreign animal diseases.
Regulatory Reform
Fight against federal regulations that could impact farmers’ and ranchers’ ability to operate.