
texas farmers

28 02, 2017

Corn use expected to grow over next decade

2019-10-29T11:48:13-05:00February 28th, 2017|Comments Off on Corn use expected to grow over next decade

The United States Department of Agriculture recently released its agricultural projections through 2026. It suggests that demand for U.S. corn [...]

17 02, 2017

High-yielding crops to offset low prices

2019-10-29T11:48:21-05:00February 17th, 2017|Comments Off on High-yielding crops to offset low prices

With a record year for corn production and higher yields in other major commodities, a low-price environment is here to [...]

13 02, 2017

Expansion of the pronghorn hunting program

2019-10-29T11:48:26-05:00February 13th, 2017|Comments Off on Expansion of the pronghorn hunting program

By Landee Kieschnick TFB Communications Intern Wild hogs, white-tailed deer and quail are all forms of wildlife that you would [...]

7 11, 2016

Hail, rain impact South Plains cotton

2019-10-29T11:56:52-05:00November 7th, 2016|Comments Off on Hail, rain impact South Plains cotton

By Shala Watson Staff Writer Mother Nature can be unpredictable and South Plains cotton farmers are coping with the recent [...]