
American Farm Bureau Federation

10 03, 2017

TFB leaders appointed to AFBF committees

2019-10-29T11:48:05-05:00March 10th, 2017|Comments Off on TFB leaders appointed to AFBF committees

By Landee Kieschnick TFB Communications Intern Legislative, regulatory and legal representation are keys for strengthening agricultural awareness and perspectives on [...]

3 03, 2017

How to win in a low-trust world

2019-10-29T11:48:13-05:00March 3rd, 2017|Comments Off on How to win in a low-trust world

By Zippy Duvall AFBF President Americans’ confidence and trust in key institutions is at a historical low, according to a [...]

11 01, 2017

Farm succession planning requires careful thought

2019-10-29T11:53:27-05:00January 11th, 2017|Comments Off on Farm succession planning requires careful thought

Farm succession planning is complex and requires careful thought, according to David Marrison, associate professor, The Ohio State University Extension. [...]