By Julie Tomascik

Texas farmers once again have the opportunity to donate $5,000 to a local nonprofit organization, school or youth agricultural program of their choice through the America’s Farmers Grow Communities program.

The national program, sponsored by the Bayer Fund, awards the donations to the eligible programs that contribute to the communities’ health and vibrancy.

“The program started as a result of a desire and need to partner with farmers to help strengthen rural communities across the United States,” Erin Glarner, Bayer’s Community Outreach manager, said. “We wanted to provide resources and funding for local rural communities to help strengthen those communities in which farmers and ranchers live and work.”

Through Nov. 1, farmers can enter the program for the chance to direct the donation to a local nonprofit, school or agricultural program.

Examples of programs and organizations that are eligible include food banks, emergency response organizations, community enrichment, STEM programs and youth agricultural programs, among many others.

“Farmers are the ones who really know what the needs are in their communities,” Glarner said. “A lot of times, we see the strongest need is with youth organizations, such as 4-H or FFA chapters. We also see a lot of funds directed to schools that are working on a STEM program and might need more resources. Food banks are also large recipients of our funds, but the programs and organizations can definitely include anything that enhances or strengthens rural communities.”

The America’s Farmers initiatives have awarded more than $65 million to thousands of schools and nonprofits across the country since its inception in 2010. Of that, $4 million has been awarded to Texas nonprofits.

“Grow Communities is a special program because we collaborate with farmers to identify and fund school programs and nonprofit organizations that make a positive impact in the communities in which they live,” she said. “And the state of Texas has benefited greatly from the funds through our program.”

Farmers must be at least 21-years-old and actively engaged in farming at least 250 acres of any crop.

Farmers can enroll in the program online at or call 1-877-267-3332.

The winners of the Bayer Fund’s America’s Farmers Grow Communities program donations will be announced in February 2023.