An event designed to boost agricultural awareness and cultivate relationships within Johnson County was recognized by Texas Farm Bureau (TFB).

Johnson County Farm Bureau (CFB) hosted the second annual Harvest Fest at the ballpark with the Cleburne Railroaders, a MLB partner baseball team. The baseball game highlighted agriculture in the county.

For these community outreach efforts, Johnson CFB was one of three county Farm Bureaus recognized by TFB during the organization’s 90th Annual Meeting Dec. 1-3 in Frisco. The award, County Activities of Excellence, recognizes unique, volunteer-driven programming by county Farm Bureaus.

Johnson CFB was also one of 24 county Farm Bureaus nationwide to receive a County Activities of Excellence Award from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF).

The event was started two years ago to encourage younger people to get involved in Farm Bureau and to promote agriculture to people in their community. They felt combining agriculture and baseball in the community was a home run.

Baseball fans could participate in activities that allowed them to learn about agriculture while having a good time.

The night included a corn pit, combine simulator, agricultural commodity stations and a special menu with corn and beef items.

Kids could dig for toys in the corn pit, while their parents engaged with farmers to learn more about the crops grown in the county.

Johnson CFB leaders said the combine simulator gave attendees the chance to step into the shoes of farmers and see how they harvest crops. The commodity stations showcased various stages of food production and highlighted the farming practices and technologies used by farmers today.

They also held a Corn Cob Eating Contest, which leaders noted was a crowd favorite.

The different vendors and exhibits helped the local community better understand that Johnson County is still all about agriculture, even though there are more houses and shopping centers today.

As Johnson County continues to grow, local farmers noted the importance of events like this.

They said the Harvest Fest gives them an avenue to share about agriculture and what Farm Bureau does to support farmers, ranchers and agricultural land in Texas.

Johnson CFB displayed a booth at the TFB 90th Annual Meeting in Frisco. The county organization was recognized on stage and received a $1,250 cash award and a County Activities of Excellence plaque.

Johnson CFB will also be highlighted during AFBF’s Annual Convention and Trade Show Jan. 19-24 in Salt Lake City, Utah.