The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved emergency grazing of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) lands to aid ranchers devastated by the wildfires in Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma.

President Donald Trump authorized emergency grazing on CRP land in the three states which were most heavily impacted by the wildfires that began on March 6.

USDA Acting Deputy Secretary Michael L. Young issued a memorandum authorizing the emergency grazing of cattle by ranchers who lack sufficient grazing land.

“Ranchers are facing devastating conditions and economic calamity because of these wildfires and they need some relief, or else they face the total loss of their herds in many cases,” Young said in a press release. “These measures will allow them to salvage what remains of their cattle and return to the important business of feeding Americans and the rest of the world.”

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall thanked President Trump and the USDA for the decision.

“Farmers and ranchers have lost thousands of head of cattle and swine from wildfires this spring. Blazes have caused millions of dollars in damage to their homes, farm structures and fencing. More than a million acres of prime grazing land has been reduced to ash. So we are especially grateful that President Trump and USDA Acting Deputy Secretary Michael Young have taken this first action to help farmers and ranchers in this time of extreme need,” Duvall said. “We know ranchers who have lost almost everything they had, and it’s only April. Summer is yet to come.”

Ranchers and farmers are only now able to begin estimating losses, and damages in the states are expected to grow. The following are estimates from each state:


  • Counties affected include Armstrong, Carson, Collingsworth, Donley, Gray, Hansford, Hemphill, Hutchinson, Lipscomb, Moore, Ochiltree, Potter, Randall, Roberts, Sherman and Wheeler.
  • An estimated 555,000 acres burned, affecting 346 farms and ranches.
  • Estimated livestock loss: at least 3,000 cattle and 1,900 swine.
  • Thousands of miles of fences expected to be a total loss, but so far unable to be surveyed.


  • Counties affected include Clark, Comanche, Ellis, Ellsworth, Ford, Hodgeman, Kiowa, Lane, Lincoln, Meade, Ness, Russell and Seward.
  • An estimated 630,000 acres burned, primarily pasturelands.
  • Estimated livestock loss: between 3,000 and 9,000 head of cattle.
  • Large volumes of hay and feed destroyed.
  • Estimated cost of fencing destroyed exceeds $36 million.


  • Counties affected include Beaver, Ellis, Harper, Roger Mills, Woodward and Woods.
  • An estimated 389,533 acres burned.
  • Estimated livestock loss: 3,000 head of cattle.
  • An estimated cost of structure loss is $2 million.
  • Estimated cost of fencing destroyed exceeds $22 million.

“The emergency provisions of the Conservation Reserve Program are essential in times like these,” Duvall said. “We are hopeful that Congress will pay special attention to wildland fire management issues as it begins the hard work of producing a budget for 2018.”

Farmers and ranchers wishing to graze on CRP lands already enrolled in contracts with the USDA should contact their local Farm Service Agency office.