By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Texas teachers can grow agricultural literacy in the classroom with help from Texas Farm Bureau (TFB).

TFB is celebrating its third-annual Ag Literacy Week Book Program, held in conjunction with National Ag Week, on March 18-22, 2024.

Teachers can sign up to receive an accurate ag book to read during Ag Literacy Week, and it’s free.

“This program provides teachers with the opportunity to enhance agricultural literacy among their students through an accurate ag book and accompanying activities that relate to the book,” said Jordan Bartels, TFB associate director of Organization Division, Educational Outreach.

The free book that will be provided by TFB is How to Grow a Monster. The short book highlights how siblings problem solve to grow a garden. The book inspires readers how to overcome challenges and use their creativity. It also includes accurate, educational information about zucchinis.

“Not only does the program bring agriculture into the classroom, but it provides teachers with fun and free resources to incorporate the topic in their lessons,” Bartels said. “Zucchini is a crop that’s grown by Texas farmers, and it’s also grown in many home gardens. This book and the activities will help students make the connection between agriculture and the food they eat.”

In addition to discovering more about zucchini, students will learn how to start a garden.

TFB will make available free resources, including an educator’s guide.

The Ag Literacy Week Book Program is open to Texas public, private or homeschool educators who teach kindergarten through fifth grade.

Click here to sign up. Sign up closes Feb. 1.

Teachers will receive their copy of the book and an educator’s guide in the mail in March.

Teachers are also asked to share photos on social media with the hashtag #ReadAgBooksTX2024 as they read the books to their class during the week of March 18-22.

Teachers who tag TFB on social media and use the hashtag will be entered into a drawing. Only public posts will count toward the drawing.

For more information and to sign up, visit the Ag Literacy Week Book Program section on the Ag in the Classroom webpage at

Contact Bartels with questions at or call 254-751-2569.