The Texas Association of Dairymen (TAD) has launched a new website and logo, as well as expanded its social media presence to Twitter. These changes will help fulfill its mission to advocate on the state dairy industry’s behalf with the Texas Legislature and other regulatory bodies, according to a TAD news release.

“The Texas Association of Dairymen decided a new year and a new legislative session were the perfect time to give our website and logo a fresh, more modern look,” said TAD Executive Director Darren Turley. “We also recently expanded our social media to include Twitter in addition to our Facebook page. We encourage Texans to check out TAD online and learn more about the state’s thriving dairy industry.”

The updated website retained its existing address, TAD’s Twitter account, @TXDairymen, joins its existing social media tool of Facebook.

“TAD is always looking for new ways to communicate about the Texas dairy industry,” Turley said. “Twitter is just the latest addition to our outreach tools that also include Facebook, our newsletter, email alerts and our website.”