Two Texans are among eight finalists in the race to find farmers and ranchers nationwide who best exemplify agriculture. Cast your vote beginning today through Nov. 2 for the Faces of Farming & Ranching program.

Brian Jones is a fourth generation of his family farm in the southernmost tip of Texas. He grows cotton, seed corn, grain sorghum and soybeans on 1,500 irrigated acres.

Darrell Glaser manages Bar G Ranch in Rogers, which has been in operation for 80 years. He and his family brood approximately 600,000 turkeys each year and maintain a cow herd that consists of 200 mother cows.

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) program will select standout farmers and ranchers who are eager to share their stories in public and on social media.

Only one vote per day per email address is allowed. Registering on Facebook is required to vote and to ensure all votes are genuine. The combination of public votes and USFRA judges’ scores will determine the winners, who will be announced on Nov. 12.

Winners will serve a year-long tenure in multiple high-visibility roles on behalf of USFRA, including national media interviews, advertising and public appearances and will receive professional media and social media training. Winners will receive a $15,000 stipend to help cover the cost of being away from their farms or ranches.

Access the Faces of Farming and Ranching online voting page to cast your vote and to learn more about each of the finalists, including short videos highlighting their farms and ranches.