Texas A&M AgriLife will host a training Aug. 14 in Overton, titled “Winter Pastures for Central and East Texas.”

Presentations will include cool-season forages and variety selection, monthly and seasonal forage production potential, a U.S. Department of Agriculture Internet soil survey demonstration, establishment and fertilization, grazing and utilization strategies, the impact of cool-season annuals on warm-season perennials, appropriate mineral supplementation, armyworms and other cool-season forage insects, and estimated costs of establishment.

The training will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Texas A&M AgriLife Research and Extension Center at Overton, and registration will be $60 before Aug. 5 and $75 before Aug. 11. This will include lunch and program materials.

Participants can register online here by typing “pasture” in the search window or calling 979-845-2604. For more information, call Michelle Sensing at 903-834-6191.