By Julie Tomascik

Wilbarger County Farm Bureau members Layne and Jamie Chapman were named among the top 10 finalists in the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Achievement Award competition over the weekend during AFBF’s Annual Convention & IDEAg Trade Show in Nashville, Tenn.

The Chapmans grow irrigated and dryland cotton, corn and wheat near Vernon.

Weather extremes, like the drought of 2011, made Layne rethink the way he farmed.

He started conserving irrigation water and also implements no-till and strip-till farming practices to help conserve moisture and reduce soil erosion.

The fifth generation farmer continually looks for ways to improve the land and conserve natural resources—practices that make sure the land will continue to grow crops for future generations.

Layne also serves as vice president of Wilbarger County Farm Bureau. The couple is active in numerous county Farm Bureau activities, including Texas Food Connection Day and Ag in the Classroom.

Jamie also owns Pepperberries, a gift shop in downtown Vernon, and helps manage the farm’s finances.

They have one son, Jaxon.

During the national meeting, the couple went through an interview process and also had the chance to network with other state Farm Bureau winners.

“We talked about some of the same things, the same problems and really even some of the same experiences,” Layne said.

The Achievement Award competition recognizes the accomplishments of some of the nation’s top agricultural leaders between the ages of 18 and 35 and rewards them for their hard work and determination to succeed.

Justin and Kacy Mitchell of Tyler represented Texas in the Excellence in Agriculture competition but did not advance to the finals. The contest recognizes young Texas men and women who are involved in agriculture but do not earn their primary income directly from their farm or ranch enterprises.

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