The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has set aside more than $16 million in funding to support research, education and Extension efforts to improve food production and increase food security, according to a USDA news release.

NIFA is funding the grants through the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Food Security program. AFRI’s 2015 challenge is to develop more sustainable, productive and economically viable plant and animal production systems, including developing regionally-adapted crop cultivars and livestock breeds that contribute to rural economic development and prosperity while enhancing food security.

The fiscal year 2015 AFRI Food Security request for applications addresses four priorities, which include plant health, production and products; animal health, production and products; food safety, nutrition and health; and agriculture economics and rural communities.

A letter of intent is due April 2 with full applications due June 4. Click here for specific program requirements and application forms.