The Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) adopted the final rules on Nov. 6 for the State Water Implementation Fund for Texas (SWIFT).
The application process for SWIFT funding is now officially open, according to TWDB.
Today is a historic day for the citizens of Texas and for the future of our state’s water supplies, said TWDB Chairman Carlos Rubinstein. SWIFT will allow the TWDB to provide financial assistance to important water projects around the state that will provide additional water supplies to urban and rural citizens alike. The projects will be diverse, from conserving and maintaining a current water supply, to innovative technology that taps into new sources of water. Each project funded by the SWIFT will take us one step closer to being drought-resilient.
Entities interested in applying for SWIFT will need to submit an abridged application to the TWDB by Feb. 3, 2015. For more details on how to apply, please visit the TWDB website.