By Julie Tomascik

Recovery efforts are underway in the Texas Panhandle after tornadoes devastated the rural community of Perryton on June 14.

The storms and tornadoes tore through the northeastern Panhandle community, causing significant damage to homes and businesses in Ochiltree and Cass counties.

“On the north end of Main Street (in Perryton), there was an unbelievable amount of debris and torn up buildings and leveled buildings,” David Peckenpaugh, Ochiltree County Farm Bureau president, said.

The Ochiltree County Farm Bureau office was one of the many businesses destroyed by the storms.

Other businesses impacted include a parts store, city hall, the police department, fire department, tire shop and more.

The tornado was reportedly on the ground for about eight miles before it lifted.

“Unbelieve amount of destruction and debris. Unbelievable. This is the old part of the Main Street and a lot of older buildings. Some of them—walls are collapsed, all the windows are knocked down. It sent stuff across the street,” Peckenpaugh told the Texas Farm Bureau Radio Network. “It was a vicious, vicious storm.

Tornadoes rip through Perryton, cause significant damage Recovery efforts are underway in the Texas Panhandle following after tornadoes devastated the rural community of Perryton.

Peckenpaugh was at his farm, which is west of Perryton, when the tornado hit.

Farms and agricultural infrastructure in the area were mostly left untouched.

“Farms and ag infrastructure itself are not that damaged. The heart of the storm hit Perryton on the north end of Main Street all the way up Highway 15. The main damage is right here in the city of Perryton itself,” Peckenpaugh said.

Clean up efforts are ongoing, and individuals from surrounding areas are showing up to help.

“It’s a clean up effort that’s not going to end anytime soon,” he said. “This community has come together like you wouldn’t believe. The area towns and people are coming and helping out.”

Gov. Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration for the two counties.

“This disaster declaration for Ochiltree and Cass counties will help streamline the state of Texas’ ability to help local officials recover and rebuild their communities,” Abbott said.

Abbott directed the Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM) to deploy state emergency response resources.

Impacted Texans are encouraged to complete the Individual State of Texas Assessment Tool (iSTAT) self-reporting damage survey to help emergency management officials gain an understanding of damages that occurred during the recent severe weather and determine the state’s eligibility for various forms of federal disaster assistance.