By Julie Tomascik

Agricultural science teachers can learn from industry experts and add to their classroom resources through Texas Farm Bureau’s workshop at the Ag Teachers Association of Texas Conference this summer.

The free workshop, “Where Urban Agriculture and Texas Farm Bureau Resources Meet the Classroom,” is set for 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July 24 at the Texas A&M AgriLife Dallas Center.

“Agricultural science teachers get to know more about Farm Bureau resources during this one-day workshop,” McKenna Bush, TFB Youth Outreach coordinator, said. “They’ll also get to hear from AgriLife Extension staff. The workshop will focus on urban agriculture, youth and educational outreach resources and opportunities for ag science students.”

The workshop includes an interactive presentation with industry experts and a tour of the Dallas Center to learn more about urban agriculture and research being conducted by AgriLife.

The site visits and presentations will showcase materials available from TFB and industry partners that teachers are encouraged to use in their classrooms.

“There is an influx of alternative certified/urban focused teachers in agriculture who could benefit from additional exposure to the variety of agricultural operations,” Bush said. “Plus, making valuable connections and learning about resources that can make their jobs as teachers easier is part of the goal of this workshop.”

The state’s largest general farm and ranch organization wants to help agricultural science teachers grow leaders and informed consumers who can help tell agriculture’s story, Bush noted.

Additional information about TFB contests, programs and other resources will be shared, along with classroom resources designed specifically for ag teachers.

“Farm Bureau is excited to offer this opportunity to agricultural science teachers so they can learn about the resources available to them as they help increase agricultural literacy in their classrooms, campuses and communities,” Bush said. “Agricultural teachers also have the opportunity to share resources with their K-12 colleagues who teach other subjects, so the goal of the workshop is to empower and equip them to help increase agricultural literacy all throughout their districts.”

Registration closes July 17. Register online at

Additional resources are available for agricultural science teachers at