By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Texas teachers interested in attending the National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference this summer can apply for financial assistance from Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) to help offset some of the costs.

The conference, set for June 24-27 in Salt Lake City, Utah, is designed to show K-12 teachers how to integrate agriculture into subjects such as reading, writing, math, science, social studies, nutrition and more.

Educators will have the opportunity to tour farms, ranches and agricultural businesses. They will hear from leading educators from around the country and participate in engaging learning sessions. The conference will give them ideas and resources to incorporate agriculture into their classrooms.

“TFB is committed to providing valuable professional development opportunities to teachers as they seek to integrate agriculture into their lessons,” said Jordan Bartels, TFB associate director of Organization Division, Educational Outreach. “This national conference provides teachers this type of professional development and opportunity to network with other professionals. TFB believes this opportunity will help teachers share information from the conference with their students.”

TFB will award scholarships to five Texas teachers.

The scholarships will help cover the conference registration fee, airfare or mileage to Salt Lake City up to $700, lodging and meals, reimbursed upon conference attendance.

“This opportunity not only benefits teachers and their students but helps TFB reach our goal of increasing agricultural literacy among students across Texas,” Bartels said. “If you know a teacher seeking more information or resources to incorporate agriculture in their classroom, encourage them to apply for this scholarship and to attend the conference.”

Eligible applicants include active K-12 classroom teachers who have not previously attended the conference.

The deadline to apply for the conference scholarships is Jan. 22. Teachers can apply online at

For more information on the scholarships or other Ag in the Classroom opportunities, contact