By Julie Tomascik

Farmers and ranchers in Texas face weather challenges and volatile commodity markets every year. But they also face rising healthcare costs, causing some to delay receiving medical treatment or forgoing health insurance altogether.

In response, Texas Farm Bureau worked to create a solution—TFB Health Plans.

It was the best and most affordable choice for Warren and Jeanie Seidel, who enrolled in TFB Health Plans last July.

“We were looking for something with lower premium options but great coverage,” Warren said. “It lowered the premiums to about a quarter of what we were paying.”

That’s significant savings, and every bit counts as self-employed farmers and ranchers.

The Seidels raise cattle and grow hay in DeWitt County. Together, they’re on the plan with their two college-aged kids.

“The coverage is even better because they don’t have to come home to our designated network doctor that we had before,” Jeanie said. “They can go to the doctor wherever they are.”

For the Seidels and many other members, the affordability combined with the access to care make TFB Health Plans appealing.

“I had some questionable mammogram results a couple of years ago, and so I went to a different doctor closer to Houston. I was self-paying for a while, and that was pretty pricey,” Jeanie said. “This last year, I was able to go to the doctor I’d been self-paying for because our other insurance wouldn’t cover it, and this was covered 100%.”

Being able to choose the doctors they want to see and having affordable coverage is what Jeanie calls a “blessing.”

And Warren agreed.

“I look at it as the single biggest advantage of being a Farm Bureau member,” he said. “It’s exceptional coverage. It’s a great policy, and it will save you money.”

Enrollment for TFB Health Plans opened May 2022. There is no enrollment period for TFB Health Plans. Enrollment is open year-round for individual and family plans, dental and vision plans and Medicare supplement plans. A membership is not required to receive a quote or speak to a representative to learn more about the plans. A membership is required prior to enrolling for coverage.

For more information and to get a quote, visit or call 877-500-0140.