By Macie Clugston
TFB Communications Intern

The semi-annual Texas Statewide Quail symposium is set for Aug. 14-16 in Abilene. Quail experts from across the state will gather at the conference to discuss current events in quail conservation and management.

The Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute (NRI), Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas Wildlife Association and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) host the symposium.

Amanda Gobeli, Extension associate at NRI, said the event will bring in experts to provide resources to individuals interested in quail conservation.

“It’s focused on quail conservation and management in the state of Texas,” Gobeli said. “We are having experts come in from all over to discuss current problems that quail managers are facing, as well as potential solutions, and present people with options for support in their own quail management efforts.”

The event is open to the public, and all quail enthusiasts are encouraged to attend. There will be learning opportunities for a variety of people, including landowners, land managers, hunters, photographers, naturalists and students.

The event will begin Aug. 14 at the MT7 Ranch in Breckinridge.

“We’re going to be taking people to different sites throughout the MT7 Ranch to show them some of the things that have been done out there to help quail,” Gobeli said. “We will also be teaching people how to do habitat evaluation and work on some plant ID skills.”

The symposium sessions on Aug. 15-16 in Abilene include current outreach and education efforts, available resources and a panel discussion on “Cows and Quail.” Several hot topics will be covered, such as quail management on small acreage, quail predators and strategies for restoring quail to depopulated areas.

There will be opportunity for one-on-one consultations with experts to aid landowners with specific problems or questions.

Other speakers will include Dr. Tom Dailey of the National Bobwhite Conservation Initiative, president and cofounder of the Wildlife Habitat Federation Jim Willis and TPWD Executive Director Carter Smith will speak at the symposium this year.

Register before Aug. 7 for a discounted registration fee of $50 for adults and $20 for students. Registration at the event is $75 for adults and $50 for students.

For more information and online registration, visit