A recent study finds the Texas State Park system has a significant economic impact on Texas economy, generating $774 million in retail sales annually, contributing $351 million in economic benefits and creating 5,800 jobs statewide.

The study of almost 14,000 visitors at 30 state parks was conducted by Texas A&M University between March and June. Visitors were polled about their spending on fees, groceries, restaurant meals and equipment during their travel to the park and in close proximity to the park, according to a TPWD news release.

“The take-away message from this study,” says Dr. John Crompton, A&M professor in the Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences Department, “should be that the state park system is an important contributor to the Texas economy, particularly in rural areas, and that the state’s net investment in parks is returned many times over as visitors travel to enjoy the outdoors and leave their dollars behind.”

The study further revealed that state park spending increased all Texans’ income by $202 million and generated 5,871 jobs, paying an average annual salary of $34,000.