By Julie Tomascik

During the American Farm Bureau Federation’s Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Conference, Chandler and Jenna Bowers were recognized as they completed their two-year term on the national YF&R Advisory Committee.

The Bowers are members of Carson-Armstrong County Farm Bureau in the Texas Panhandle.

Jenna served as the chair of the Promotions Subcommittee, and Chandler was a member of the Discussion Meet Subcommittee.

Committee members are responsible for YF&R program planning, which includes the coordination of YF&R competitive events during AFBF’s annual convention each January and the Harvest for All program. They also provide support in planning and implementing leadership conferences.

National committee members are nominated by their respective state Farm Bureaus. They study farm and food policy issues, participate in leadership training exercises and hone other professional skills during their terms as committee members.

The Bowers, who grow corn, wheat, grain sorghum, cotton, hay and cattle, have also previously served on Texas Farm Bureau’s YF&R Advisory Committee for three terms. They have two daughters, Anleigh and Hadleigh.

“My parents were part of the state YF&R program back in their younger days and involved at the county level,” Chandler said. “I really started getting involved about 10 years ago. Over the years, Jenna and I just have slowly gotten more and more involved as we started seeing the positive impact that Farm Bureau has all over the state and nation.”

Learn more about the Bowers in this short video.