Texas peanut growers will need beneficial fall weather to meet better than average yields, but for now the unusual wet, cool conditions could call for combat of fungal disease.

According to Southwest Farm Press, Texas AgriLife Extension plant pathologist Jason Woodward said, “the (peanut) crop is doing well, though a little late” and has potential for “well above average yields, if we get favorable fall weather.”

An early season of cool, humid conditions created a positive setting for disease in peanuts. Leafspot has been found in fields earlier than usual, with some growers already applying fungicides such as Bravo or tebuconazole. Preparations are being made to prevent pod rot infections, with Abound as the standard treatment. A possible generic treatment may be released within the next few months to help keep input costs down.

Approximately 125,000 acres are planted in peanuts in the Lone Star State.