By Shelby Shank
Field Editor

Texas lawmakers have started filing bills that will impact farmers, ranchers and rural Texans in the 89th legislative session.

“This legislative session presents an opportunity for Texas farmers and ranchers to be engaged with lawmakers on agricultural issues,” Charlie Leal, Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) state legislative director, said. “By staying informed and involved, farmers and ranchers can help shape policies that protect their livelihoods.”

Since bill filing began on Nov. 12, lawmakers in the Texas House and Senate have submitted over 1,000 bills.

Only a small portion of those bills will pass both chambers. Last session, only about 15% of bills passed into law.

The TFB state board of directors named priority issues for the upcoming session.

Taxes, water, continuing to advocate for private property rights and strengthening the right to farm and ranch the top the list for TFB.

“The decisions made during this session will have long-lasting effects on agriculture and rural communities,” Leal said.

As the session progresses, the involvement of farmers and ranchers will be essential in advocating for policies that support agriculture. By engaging with legislators, attending hearings and providing testimonies, farmers and ranchers can influence the outcome of critical legislation that will shape the future of agriculture in Texas.

“It’s crucial that we make our voices heard to ensure that the needs of rural Texas are not overlooked,” Leal said.

The session begins Jan. 14.

The last day lawmakers can file most legislation is March 14.

Learn more about TFB’s priority issues.

Click here to research bills filed in the Texas Legislature.