By Emmy Powell
Communications Specialist

The Texas FFA Association announced the selection of the 2024 Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) scholarship recipients during the 96th annual Texas FFA State Convention in Houston this week.

Ava Fenton received a $10,000 scholarship. Isaac Hawkins Jr., who served as Texas FFA’s state president over the last year, received a $6,000 scholarship, and Elise Sharp, Texas FFA’s first vice president, was awarded a $4,000 scholarship.

“These scholarships are an acknowledgment of these individuals’ dedication to agriculture,” McKenna Bush, TFB Youth Outreach coordinator, said. “Farm Bureau is proud of how they have represented agriculture and connected with their communities during their time in FFA. We wish them the best in their future endeavors.”

Ava Fenton
Fenton plans to attend Texas A&M University to study public health in hopes of becoming an orthodontist.

She graduated from Gilmore High School where she was active in her FFA chapter. She participated in several contests, including chapter conducting, quiz, radio broadcasting, agricultural advocacy, meat evaluation, homesite evaluation, livestock judging and prepared public speaking. She also exhibited swine, rabbits and commercial steers.

Fenton was the Gilmore FFA Chapter president for three years.

She also competed in several sports and student organizations.

“I am very blessed and thankful that I was chosen as one of the scholarship recipients,” Fenton said.

Isaac Hawkins Jr.
Hawkins plans to attend Tarleton State University to study animal science to become a veterinarian.

He was active in his FFA chapter. He participated in extemporaneous public speaking, radio broadcasting, job interview, agricultural advocacy, poetry evaluation and veterinary science contests. Before serving as state president, he was as chapter sentinel, chapter president, Wichita District president and Area IV vice president.

He graduated from Hirschi High School and was also active in several sports and student organizations.

“I appreciate everything that Texas Farm Bureau does, not only for Texas FFA, but for agriculture as a whole,” Hawkins said. “Farm Bureau works hard every day to make sure agriculture, in Texas and across our nation, is always advocated for, talked about and discussed at the highest levels. I’m blessed to have received a scholarship from such a prestigious organization.”

Elise Sharp
Sharp plans to attend Texas Tech University to study agricultural and applied economics and aspires to become a lawyer.

She graduated from Bowing High School and was active in her FFA chapter. Prior to serving as the state first vice president, Sharp held the role of president of her chapter, Gulf Coast District and Area XI.

She participated in chapter conducting, quiz, job interview, livestock judging, range, wool judging, senior prepared public speaking in the ag policy division and raised livestock.

“I am filled with overwhelming gratitude,” Sharp said. “This year has been one of service. I didn’t become a state officer to reap any benefits, but it is really rewarding to see that people have acknowledged the work I’ve done and all that I’ve poured into this organization and the future of it.”

TFB sponsorship
TFB, a corporate sponsor of Texas FFA, provides assistance to the organization through various youth outreach and development programs during the year, as well as a complimentary TFB membership to each FFA chapter in Texas.