Interested in learning how to better manage your farm? Texas Corn Producers is launching a new training program for agricultural professionals.

The inaugural Advanced Training for Agricultural Professionals program will be held Sept. 7- 9 in Fort Worth, Southwest Farm Press reported, and it will feature some of the best agricultural economics speakers in the country.

The two-day session will offer farm owners extensive knowledge on how to strategically manage their farm operations, including presentations on best management practices, strategic planning and megatrends, strategic management, and strategic positioning.

“Whether you’ve been farming for decades, years or months, there’s something to be gained by everyone who attends this program,” said Texas Corn Producers Executive Director David Gibson. “I encourage farmers to register today to attend the event, as space is limited.”

For more information or to register, visit the Advanced Training for Agricultural Professionals website or call 806.763.CORN (2676).