Texas Beef Council (TBC) published its 2021 annual report detailing key state and national beef checkoff program results, revenues and expenditures online at TexasBeefCheckoff.com/AnnualReport. By educating consumers, chefs, nutrition influencers and others, producer investments in the Beef Checkoff help keep beef in its strongest state, year over year.

“While the past year brought the beef industry some challenges, it also generated opportunities that led to many successes,” said Pat McDowell, TBC board of directors vice chair and Audit and Budget Committee chair from Shamrock, Texas. “By reviewing our 2021 annual report, Texas cattlemen and women can gain valuable insight into how their checkoff dollars funded promotional, educational and research programs that stimulated more beef demand worldwide.”

The report shares the many successes that TBC’s beef education, promotion and research efforts experienced throughout 2021. These efforts were funded by the $1-per-head Texas state beef checkoff program and the $0.50-per-head Texas retains from the national beef checkoff program. Highlights include:

BBQuest: Television viewers have watched 620,000+ hours of the BBQuest series since it launched on Hulu.

Medical Office Outreach: TBC representatives reached 3,360-plus health professionals and staff directly with educational materials about beef’s role in a healthy diet.

Social Media: Beef Loving Texans video ads were viewed 74 million times on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and YouTube.

Beef Team: This group of beef loving fitness enthusiasts committed to living active, healthy lifestyles participated in 7,578 activations.

Beef Loving Chefs: Forty-plus chefs attended the first Beef Loving Chefs Summit and learned how offering beef-centric dishes can benefit the foodservice sector.

Retail Promotions: TBC partnered with key brands to provide more than 275,000 beef coupons that were distributed at 1,600 store locations.

The national Cattlemen’s Beef Board’s 2021 program expenditures are also reviewed in the report. Producers can learn about national Beef Checkoff program achievements, including the Beef in the Early Years campaign directed at new and expectant parents and important food safety research studies on Salmonella control.

“We’re eager to share what we were able to achieve in 2021 with the beef producers who make our programs possible,” said Molly McAdams, TBC’s executive vice president. “Without their involvement and support, we would not be able to fund critical research or develop promotions that keep beef top of mind for consumers everywhere. We encourage our beef community to check out this year’s annual report and see how we’re putting their Beef Checkoff investments to work.”

To request a copy of the TBC annual report or a more detailed audited financial report, contact info@txbeef.org or call 512-335-2333. To read the annual report online, visit TexasBeefCheckoff.com/AnnualReport.