By Justin Walker
Communications Specialist

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) is accepting applications for the newly established Texas Olive Oil Advisory Board.

The board will serve as the developmental task force to promote and expand the olive oil industry in the Lone Star State.

“Texas olive oil is one of the more exciting industries in Texas agriculture today,” Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller said during the announcement on July 18. “The Texas olive oil industry helps diversify our ag portfolio in Texas and provides a great economic stimulus to regions across Texas.”

The advisory board will consist of nine seats. Five olive growers will be chosen for the board, representing each of the five olive growing regions in the state. The four remaining positions will be filled by a researcher or educator employed by an institution of higher education; a representative engaged in harvesting, milling or agritourism; a representative from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service; and a TDA representative.

Members of the board will be responsible for developing a long-term branding and marketing plan, review and discuss rules impacting the olive industry and assess the current state of the industry.

Applications must be submitted to TDA by 5 p.m. on Aug. 15.

To request or submit an application, contact Scott Sroufe, coordinator for Marketing at TDA, at or at 512-463-7476.