Texas A&M Forest Service

16 03, 2017

Ready, Set, Go! Be prepared for wildfires

2019-10-29T11:46:28-05:00March 16th, 2017|Comments Off on Ready, Set, Go! Be prepared for wildfires

By Shala Watson Multimedia Writer Officials and landowners are surveying the losses after fast-moving wildfires burned through the Texas Panhandle [...]

31 01, 2017

Wildfire prevention—before it’s too late

2019-10-29T11:48:33-05:00January 31st, 2017|Comments Off on Wildfire prevention—before it’s too late

By Landee Kieschnick TFB Communications Intern Without a warning, wildfires can spread across hundreds, even thousands, of acres, leaving livestock, [...]

23 08, 2016

Rains dampen wildfire potential in Texas

2019-10-29T11:58:49-05:00August 23rd, 2016|Comments Off on Rains dampen wildfire potential in Texas

Recent rains have helped extinguish wildfire potential, but late season growth could cause future concerns. Early rains fueled the growth [...]