Ranchers make management decisions during drought
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Unrelenting heat and prolonged drought conditions have withered crops and reduced green pastures to crispy, [...]
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist Unrelenting heat and prolonged drought conditions have withered crops and reduced green pastures to crispy, [...]
By Carey Martin TFB Radio Network Manager Texas wheat harvest is winding down, putting an end to a year that [...]
By Emmy Powell Communications Specialist The Fourth of July brings celebrations and fireworks, but those could spark disaster due to [...]
By Julie Tomascik Editor Despite rains in late May and in June, Texas farmers and ranchers are facing a dry [...]
By Tom Nicolette Senior Network Producer With the ongoing Texas drought comes an opportunity for improvements on farm and ranchland. [...]
The secretarial natural disaster designation allows the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) to extend much-needed [...]
By Julie Tomascik Editor Although spring is usually one of the wettest times of the year, that isn’t so in [...]
Cattle ranchers should have a better year than 2021, according to multiple agricultural economists and market analysts. Continued high [...]
By Jennifer Whitlock Field Editor Rangeland and pastures across Texas are heading into the fall season with a fairly good [...]
By Jennifer Whitlock Field Editor The U.S. House Committee on Agriculture advanced an $8.5 billion bill expanding the U.S. Department [...]