By Emmy Powell
Communications Specialist

Agricultural education students who are preparing to student teach in spring 2025 can apply for scholarships from Texas Farm Bureau (TFB).

Every spring and fall, senior agricultural education students are encouraged to apply for Mia Balko Student Teaching Scholarships from TFB. The scholarship is awarded to four students each semester and is valued at $6,000.

The scholarship was created to help students cover expenses during their semester of off-campus student teaching.

“Preparing the next generation of educators to take on the role of an agricultural science teacher and engaging young students about agriculture is important to Texas Farm Bureau,” McKenna Bush, TFB Youth Outreach coordinator, said. “This scholarship helps provide support to college students who are pursuing this profession as their career.”

The demand for agricultural science teachers is high, and TFB is helping students prepare to fill the roles not only of agricultural science teachers but also community leaders.

“Agricultural science teachers play a critical role in developing students’ understanding and appreciation for agriculture,” Bush said. “By supporting the next generation of agricultural science teachers, TFB is supporting the future of agriculture.”

Pre-service teachers often are unable to have a job and are not always placed near their university or home while they are student teaching. Some student teachers may have to travel long distances, and the scholarship helps lessen the financial stress they might face.

The application is available online through the MyTFB membership portal at

Pre-service agricultural science teachers who are student teaching in spring 2025 are encouraged to apply.

Applications must be submitted by Oct. 30.

The application includes a written essay, several short answer questions and a recommendation form from a college or university supervisor.

The student must be part of a TFB member-family to qualify, and that membership must be maintained for the duration of the scholarship.

The student teaching scholarship winners will be announced in mid-December.

More information is available at