Agricultural lawmakers know trying to pass a farm bill in 2018 will be a hard task, but some key Democrats are expressing concern about the possibility of splitting the bill into separate farm and nutrition titles, according to Agri-Pulse.

Those politicians are saying a split farm bill would be the end of the legislation.

“If you want to make sure there is not a farm bill, that will guarantee it, in my opinion,” Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) said.

People in Peterson’s caucus want to see the new farm bill include nutrition.

Speaking for the nutrition aspect of the bill, Democrats think that side aids farmers.

“Our farmers have gotten support because more people can go to the grocery store and be able to buy food and so I think there is a natural connection and I think it is necessary to keep it or we’re going to have a very hard time,” Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) said.

House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway wants to see the bill work for both farm and food programs.

“All I want to do is get both of them reauthorized and if it’s easiest to get them reauthorized together, as has been the practice over the decade, that will be fine. If not, then we’ll work forward. But I’m committed to get both programs reauthorized before they expire, quite frankly,” he said.