Legislation to fund the government adopted by Congress this week contains many wins for American farmers and ranchers. From much-needed disaster aid to increased broadband access, rural communities will benefit from this spending agreement, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF).

“We are grateful to members of Congress from both parties for their work to develop and pass budget bills that will help farmers and ranchers on multiple fronts,” AFBF President Zippy Duvall said.

The ag spending bill includes $23.5 billion in discretionary funding, which is $451 million above fiscal year 2019 enacted levels.

“Included in the agricultural spending bill is a provision that retains $1.5 billion in disaster relief that was set to expire this calendar year,” AFBF Congressional Relations Director RJ Karney said. “Congress repurposed that funding to expand assistance to farmers impacted by natural disasters in 2018 and 2019.”

Karney said the bill fully funds the Farmer and Rancher Stress Assistance Network and continues the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s rural broadband efforts.

“The Farmer and Rancher Stress Assistance Network will benefit farmers who have been struggling from weather impacts, trade disruptions and low commodity prices,” he said., “In addition, Congress provides funding for the ReConnect program, which will expand broadband access to rural communities that are currently underserved.”

The legislation also renews an expired biodiesel tax credit.

“We are also pleased to see Congress extend a $1 per gallon biodiesel tax credit through 2022,” Karney said. “That is a retroactive extension which will bring stability to producers after years of debate in Congress. Farm Bureau is grateful to members of Congress from both political parties who have worked on the spending legislation that will help farmers and ranchers in fiscal year 2020.”

Delaying the requirement for implementation of electronic logging devices on livestock haulers through Sept. 30, 2020 was also included.