Corn acreage in South and Northeast Texas will likely increase slightly in 2016 compared to last year’s 2.3 million acres.

“Most of the corn is in the ground in South Texas,” Stephanie Pruitt, communications director for the Texas Corn Producers Board and Corn Producers Association of Texas, told Southwest Farm Press.

She said corn acreage is up slightly compared to last year. Some farmers planted corn to replace wheat acreage that was not planted in the fall due to wet conditions.

Pruitt said planting is still underway in Northeast Texas.

“They are working fast to get it all in. Last year, this area was hit hard by spring rain and prevented planting,” she said.

High Plains corn acreage is expected to remain close to last year but with some extra rainfall Pruitt said they may get a few more acres. Planting should begin in April. It has been pushed back over the last few years so farmers can more efficiently use irrigation water.