Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s (AgriLife) ongoing sorghum silage trials have revealed forage type and variety are key considerations to optimizing both quantity and quality, reports AgriLife Today.

AgriLife’s silage trials tested sorghum silage triggered by the high-demand from feedyards and dairies.

“We saw a wide range in yields among the varieties,” said Dr. Jourdan Bell, AgriLife Extension agronomist. “Our maximum yield was 39.8 tons per acre at 65 percent moisture, while the lowest yielding variety was 11.3 tons per acre at 65 percent moisture. The trial average was 21.7 tons per acre at 65 percent moisture. We had some very good yielding varieties.”

Complete results of the forage trials will be available at http://varietytesting.tamu.edu when they are completed in late March.