The Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works’ recent blog Fact Check: EPA Spin on Water Rule is 180 from Actual Language criticizes the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) for their proposed Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) interpretive rule.
The blog outlines six specific claims made by EPA in defense of the WOTUS rule, but the Senate committee disproves each claim by listing actual language from the rule.
“EPA claims that their regulatory proposals do not affect various types of water bodies,” notes the blog. “However, the text of the proposals demonstrates that EPA either doesn’t understand the language they drafted, or they are intentionally trying to mislead the American public.”
Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) and other Republicans on the committee have been actively engaged with EPA and the Corps since the rule was released. They are concerned about the effects of the rule on the economy and private property rights.