The students of today will be the leaders of tomorrow. So, Texas Farm Bureau encourages high school students who want to fulfill their dreams and travel the road to excellence to attend this year’s Youth Leadership Conference (YLC) and for college juniors to apply for the S.M. True Jr. Agricultural Scholar Award.

Deadlines are fast approaching for both. YLC applications must be submitted by May 1, and scholarship applications must be returned to the state office by April 30.

The conference is open to any high school student entering their junior or senior year in August. Held at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, students will learn about the free market economic system, the Constitution, public speaking and professionalism. The goal is to help students enhance their leadership skills, self-confidence and goal-setting abilities.

YLC applications are available at county Farm Bureau offices across the state and online at

The Texas Farm Bureau board of directors has established the $20,000 S.M. True Jr. Agricultural Scholar Award to honor the former TFB president’s commitment and dedication to agriculture.

The scholarship will be presented annually to one recipient who is classified as a junior and enrolled in a four-year college or university. To receive the full amount, the recipient must continue to major in agriculture and maintain a satisfactory grade point average.

For more information and to download the scholarship application, visit http://bit.yly/1iAuDu.