Spring rains mean runoff. Livestock yards and pastures depend on runoff to keep the animal and feeding areas dry and comfortable. However, the flow of water over the surface of a lot or pasture can pick up solid particles or dissolved nutrients and increase the risk of water pollution, according to Drovers CattleNetwork.

While runoff is natural, there are steps that can be taken to manage the amount and severity.

• Evaluate clean water diversions around the yard. Are roof gutters functioning and directing water away from buildings or lot areas? Are berms or curbs sufficient to keep clean water separate from water flowing over manured areas?

• Evaluate runoff paths. Is runoff taking the intended path? For larger areas like lots or pasture, is there evidence of gullies forming? Is there evidence of erosion along preferential paths? Are collection and transfer points (i.e. sediment basins, pipes) allowing for sufficient flow? Have any new, unintended paths developed.

• Evaluate needs for the coming year. There are numerous management practices to reduce the environmental impacts of runoff from manure-covered surfaces in lots or pastures. These practices include residue management, buffer strips, designed and managed riparian zones, terracing, contour farming and cover crops. For lot areas, where runoff is an on-going concern, manure or runoff holding impoundments may be a long-term solution.

The Agricultural Research Service publication, Best Management Practices to Minimize Agricultural Phosphorus Impacts on Water Quality, has more details on runoff management practices.