By Emmy Powell
Communications Specialist

Registration for the 2024 Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Discussion Meet is now open.

Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) members between the ages of 18 and 35 are invited to participate in the peer-focused discussion.

Contestants are provided with five agricultural-related topics to prepare for discussion. The topics are aimed at solving diverse and complex issues within agriculture.

“The Discussion Meet identifies young leaders with a strong understanding of current agricultural issues through a conversation with their peers,” said Roger Hall, TFB associate director of Organization Division, Leader Development. “They are given the opportunity to express their opinions and suggest solutions for the challenges agriculture faces.”

The Discussion Meet replicates a committee meeting where discussion and active participation is expected from each contestant.

In each preliminary round, participants will randomly select a topic and engage in a 25-minute roundtable discussion, including both opening and closing statements. Contestants are evaluated based on their exchange of ideas and information.

The top four finalists will be identified after the preliminary rounds are complete. The finalists will discuss a topic that is drawn from the remaining questions.

“Participants will build upon their leadership, advocacy and communication skills while also developing a deeper understanding of agricultural issues,” Hall said. “They can explore how groups can pool knowledge to reach a consensus and solve problems through discussion.”

Registration closes Nov. 1.

The YF&R Discussion Meet will be held during TFB’s Annual Meeting Dec. 6-8 in Round Rock.

Contestants must be TFB members in good standing between the ages of 18 and 35 as of Jan. 22, 2025. Applicants should be interested in or engaged in agricultural production.

Past and present American Farm Bureau YF&R committee members are not eligible to compete. Previous winners, professional speakers and county or state Farm Bureau employees are also ineligible.

Collegiate Discussion Meet participants may not compete in the YF&R Discussion Meet within the same calendar year.

The winner will receive an ATV with an estimated prize value of $9,000, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company; and an expense-paid trip to compete in the national contest during the American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention.

The three finalists will each receive a $1,000 cash award, courtesy of Farm Bureau Bank, and a $500 cash award, courtesy of Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Company.

All Discussion Meet contestants can apply for up to $200 in expense reimbursement.

For more information on contest eligibility, guidelines and the Discussion Meet manual, visit

Register for the contest through the MyTFB membership portal at

For questions about the contest or YF&R activities, email or call 254-399-5021.