By Julie Tomascik

Young producers will get a look at agriculture in the Hill Country through the 2023 Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Fall Tour. It’s an opportunity for farmers and ranchers between the ages of 18 and 35 to meet with fellow producers and learn about other agricultural perspectives.

This year’s tour is set for Sept. 8-10 in Kerrville and will focus on wildlife, vineyards, orchards and hay production.

“The Fall Tour is a great opportunity for young farmers, ranchers and ag professionals to relax, network and learn about agriculture in a different part of the state,” Adrienne Synatschk, TFB YF&R Advisory Committee chair, said. “This is a fun and educational event, and we’re excited to host it in the Hill Country this year.”

The impact of commodity and consumer sales, as well as tourism, in the Hill Country plays a crucial role in the state’s economy.

“Visiting this area of Texas will give young agricultural professionals—farmers, ranchers, business owners, teachers or anyone interested in agriculture—a glimpse into what makes the Hill Country unique,” Syntaschk said.

The three-day tour will feature farm and ranch visits, discussions on wildlife and opportunities to network with other participants.

“We need more young people to farm, ranch and work in agricultural businesses and other fields that support the production of food, fiber and fuel,” Synatschk said. “The Fall Tour is a great way to meet other young people and learn from each other to take home new ideas and new strategies that we can implement.”

Registration closes Aug. 3.

There are two registration packages participants may select from that will include lodging, meals, transportation and the cost of all tours. A third registration package is available for those who do not require lodging.

County Farm Bureaus may help cover the cost of attending the Fall Tour in Kerrville.

Interested members can learn more about registration costs and register for the tour online at

For questions or assistance with registration, call 254-399-5021 or email with questions.