Gasoline prices are approaching $4 per gallon, a six-year high. The reason being is driving demands from Americans especially for summer vacation travels and the contention in the Middle East, who influences global gas prices.

There is an alternative fuel that is renewable and made in America from agricultural material, such as corn, sugar cane, grasses or even woodchips. Using ethanol can reduce oil dependence and greenhouse gas emissions.

And yet, despite the profound promise of ethanol, some politicians are pushing to stamp it out. They’re lobbying to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) which requires the use of ethanol in the national fuel supply to promote greater energy independence and a cleaner environment, according to The Tampa Tribune.

The American Farm Bureau Federation supports the RFS as adopted in 2007. The RFS supports over 400,000 jobs in sectors ranging from farming and manufacturing. As a rule, an U.S. ethanol plant can produce 1 million gallons annually to support roughly 3,000 workers.