South Texas wheat farmers may be considering increasing winter wheat acres, in spite of falling wheat prices this year.

According to Southwest Farm Press, South Texas farmers are taking a long look at increasing winter wheat acres, partially because of renewed demand at local export elevators. Another reason is an improved rail infrastructure connecting the ports of Corpus Christi and Brownsville that could lower shipping costs significantly to distant ports around the world.

The combined ports of Corpus Christi and Brownsville will economically benefit from the South Texas Rail Expansion Project, which is nearing completion and will improve line capacity between Southeast Texas and Deep South Texas. It will also relieve congestion at the Port of Houston and give South Texas farmers new export opportunities.

Corpus Christi elevators will be able to handle large 110-car shuttle trains delivered by Class I railroads, allowing trains to haul 18,000 pounds more per car or 1,000 tons of additional grain. By having a more efficient rail/port/elevator network in South Texas, farmers across America will be less likely to be forced to stockpile grain on the ground waiting for transportation.