President Barack Obama announced he will take administrative action on immigration, with a focus on border security, after he was told immigration legislation will not be brought to the House floor this year.

The president is expected to direct Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder to shift immigration enforcement resources from the interior section of the United States to the border, according to FB News.

American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) worked with the Senate, who passed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act in June 2013, and is now working with the House to pass responsible immigration reform.

Kristi Boswell, AFBF labor specialist stated, “The only long-term solution to agriculture’s serious labor problem can be provided by Congress, as that’s where we’ll continue to focus.”

Earlier this year, AFBF released a farm labor study. It attested that an approach to agricultural labor reform that focused solely on immigration enforcement would raise food prices over five years by an additional 5 to 6 percent and would cut the nation’s food and fiber production by as much as $60 billion.