Seven constitutional amendments will be decided by Texas voters this November.

“Texas Farm Bureau is a grassroots organization that advocates for policies important to all its members,” said Regan Beck, Texas Farm Bureau Government Affairs director. “But it also takes citizens making informed decisions at the ballot box to get legislation passed.”

The seven propositions range from the right to hunt and fish in the Lone Star State to raising the homestead exemption.

Texas Farm Bureau supports Propositions 1, 6 and 7:

• Proposition 1 would grant an additional $10,000 exemption (from $15,000 to $25,000) from the appraised value of a residence homestead for adults who are disabled or at least 65 years old.

• Proposition 6 would amend the Bill of Rights of the Texas Constitution to establish the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife in Texas.

• Proposition 7 would direct up to $2.5 billion of any sales tax proceeds in excess of $28 billion to the state highway fund. It would also dedicate 35 percent of the motor vehicle sales, use or rental tax collected in excess of $5 billion starting Sept. 1, 2019. The proposition would cost an estimated $2.5 billion in general revenue in each fiscal year in 2018-19 and $2.9 billion in fiscal year 2020.

The organization is neutral on the other four propositions.

“Exercise your right to vote, because these propositions can directly affect you and your livelihood,” Beck said.

Early voting is set for Oct. 19-30 and Election Day is Nov. 3.

For a comprehensive explanation of all seven propositions, visit