The new Top Dollar Angus program aims to provide a link between ranchers and cattle feeders. The program is for those ranchers who have invested in high-quality Angus genetics and partnering cattle feeders wanting quality calves of premium Angus-branded programs.

Drovers CattleNetwork reports Top Dollar Angus is a genetics certification and marketing company focused exclusively on the best Angus-influenced feeder cattle/calves in the industry. To qualify, feeder cattle or calves must contain two or more generations of Angus genetics with growth and carcass traits in the top 25 percent of the breed.

Cattle feeders look for calves that make the most money in feedyards. The top 25 percent of the Angus population are capable of creating a well-above average value for cattle feeders. The Top Dollar Angus program is designed to help the rancher capture a share of that value, promoters said.

Feeder cattle that qualify are eligible to receive at least a $50 per head premium over average market when sold to partner feedyards. Participants will pay a $4 per head licensing fee to market calves through the branded program.

For more information, contact Tom Brink at 303-478-4331, or