NASA is seeking Texas community college students interested in agriculture or life sciences to be a part of NASA’s exciting new opportunity, Agriculture Community College Aerospace Scholars (AgCAS).

Qualified students will be chosen to attend a three-day on-site experience at the Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston. Meals, lodging and travel expenses will be included.

Students will learn about NASA’s research related to agriculture in space, work on projects, share ideas with NASA engineers, educators and scientists who specialize in space-based agriculture and tour of the JSC agricultural facilities.

To be eligible, students must be a U.S. citizen and a Texas resident; at least 18 years old and a high school graduate; a registered community college student during the Spring 2015 semester; be able to commit to a one semester relationship with JSC, including a three-day experience on-site; and maintain a 2.0 GPA.

Applications are due Wednesday, Feb. 25. Click here to apply.