The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed HR 5078, the Waters of the United States Regulatory Overreach Protection Act with a 262-152 vote. The legislation will stop the expansion of EPA’s waterways authority of their proposed Waters of the U.S. rule.

Southwest Farm Press reports that following passage of HR 5078, Oklahoma Rep. Frank Lucas, chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, urged a Senate vote on the bill and said the EPA’s approach “is an underhanded way to harm American agriculture and threaten America’s food security.”

Whether it’s trying to regulate farm dust out of existence, milk as oil, or now treat ditches like major water tributaries, the EPA has demonstrated a hunger for power and a lack of understanding of how its actions impact America’s farmers and ranchers. The agency’s latest action would trigger an onslaught of additional permitting and regulatory requirements for our agricultural producers to protect not our great natural resources, but rather our backyard ponds.”

Officials of the White House said that if the Senate approves the legislation and it is sent to the White House, they would recommend a veto by the president.