High temperatures, cloudy days and cool thunderstorms are contributing to wholesale fish die-offs in farm ponds in North and East Texas.
According to AgriLife Today, many people have lost all or part of their fish as the oxygen is depleted out of their ponds, stock tanks and lakes.

Warm water holds less oxygen than cooler water. Hot days lead to warmer water, which in turn, provides a less-oxygen rich environment for fish.

Pond plants and algae would normally help to oxygenate the water, but cloudy days have prohibited that process for many.

Cool thunderstorms lower the temperature in the water, but also mix it up, which further reduces oxygen as the stirred-up organic matter decomposes.

AgriLife officials encourage pond owners to check their tanks and stock ponds first thing in the morning when the oxygen levels are at their lowest. If fish are swimming at the top, where there is more oxygen, chances are, the fish are becoming oxygen-starved.
Pumps and boat motors can be used to help increase oxygen levels.

For more information, visit: http://bit.ly/1i1Jv3V.